Every Patient
Every Time

Our Mission

To inspire patients to participate in clinical trials through patient education and a personalized onboarding process.


Daniel Garcia-Saulo, Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Garcia-Saulo is a serial entrepreneur and marketing enthusiast who has founded several industry-focused (investment banking, eCommerce, and retail) marketing agencies that has cumulatively generated over $25 million in sales for his clients.

He is regarded as a thought-leader in the startup ecosystem in the Philippines, having founded the country's first and largest vegan restaurant chain.

Patient Recruitment is a Personal Journey. For that Reason it should be Patient-Centric

Shared Passion for Clinqo

When his father was recently stricken with cancer, Dr. Woo-Ming was frustrated on the confusing path that many families face in accessing quality clinical trials. Clinqo was created in hopes of making clinical trials more accessible to the general public.

In 1991, Daniel’s sister, Tam, was born with complications of neonatal encephalopathy and meningocele. The lack of understanding in treatment at the time caused many deficiencies in his Tam development. With Clinqo, Daniel is on a personal mission to make life-saving clinical trials more accessible to patients like Tam.

Their shared experiences with family members succumbing to their illness influences their burning passion to make each patient journey successful and each clinical trial accessible.